My life changed 4 years ago when a friend of mine sent me some essential oil samples. It wasn’t the first time I had used essential oil’s however, prior to this I had just bought ones from the chemist that smelt good, how naive was I.

The first oil’s that i purchased where On Guard, Easy Air and Balance. I was weeks out from getting married and I was heading overseas for the first time in my life for our honeymoon which consisted of 6 flights and 3 different hotels. When I was a teenager I had severe Glandularfever, ended up in hospital on drips and missed nearly a full year of school, but it affected for far longer than just that time. My immune system was so low for many years, and I would always find myself sick and burnt out.

The first oil’s that i purchased where On Guard, Easy Air and Balance. I was weeks out from getting married and I was heading overseas for the first time in my life for our honeymoon which consisted of 6 flights and 3 different hotels.

When I was a teenager I had severe Glandularfever, ended up in hospital on drips and missed nearly a full year of school, but it affected for far longer than just that time. My immune system was so low for many years, and I would always find myself sick and burnt out.

As a family, we reach for our oil’s daily. I simply cannot imagine my life without them, which is why i am so passionate about helping other families get essential oils into their lives too because I know it will change their lives too for the better.

We don’t second guess going to the chemist and splurging money on items that very rarely support us but we hesitate to use something that mother nature has given us?

We know that sipping on peppermint serves our digestion.

We know that tea tree (melaleuca) can be applied to bites and stings.

We know that lemon water in the morning is a effective way to kickstarting your metabolism and assisting the detoxification process of the liver.

We know that Lavender can help calm us when our nervous system is in overdrive and we require a better nights sleep.

We know that Eucalyptus can help with congestion when we are faced with seasonal threats.

This is just the bare tip of the ice berg of how essential oils can support you and your family physically and emotionally.

Why should I become a member?

When you become a doTERRA customer with Team Bliss, you get access to a range of incredible benefits, including:

✓ 25%-55% off retail price on all future purchases

✓ FREE wellness consult with me

✓ World leading customer app:  includes events and classes you can attend online to learn more about your oils

✓ Exclusive customer Instagram account and facebook group

✓ ongoing support & education for the lifetime of your membership

✓ NO minimum monthly ordering or obligation to sell

✓ Option to join our monthly program known as Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) and earn points for free products

✓ Option to upgrade and explore the business opportunity at anytime, for NO extra charge!

How do i become a member?

There are two ways you can become a doTERRA member:


1. Purchase a membership for $35 by adding an Introductory Welcome Packet to your cart. Then you can select individual oils and get them at 25% off the retail price


2. Get started with an Enrolment Kit. This is the smartest and best value way of becoming a doTERRA member because the membership fee is waived, you get the most popular and versatile essential oils, AND you get further discount on top of the 25% off, by far the biggest bang for your buck!

What kit should I start with?

The Home Essentials Kit is ‘the’ most purchased kit. It has the top ten oils every home should have regardless of wants or needs. ⁣Hands-down the most important box you can introduce to your home. Customers of mine also LOVE the Nature’s Solutions Starter Kit, Emotional Wellness Starter Kit.

There’s more starter kits on display in the store when you follow the instructions below, however these three are my top recommendations for getting started.

If you scroll down you will also see the complete list of starter packs available

Home Essential’s Starter Kit

$339 AUD

  • Your dōTERRA Wholesale Account (dōTERRA oils + products at 25% off!)
  • Oregano 15mL
  • Tea Tree 15mL
  • Lemon 15mL
  • Frankincense 15mL
  • On Guard® 15mL
  • Lavender 15mL
  • Peppermint 15mL
  • DigestZen® 15mL
  • Easy Air® 15mL
  • Ice Blue® 5mL
  • Petal Diffuser

Nature’s Solutions starter kit

$635 AUD

Your dōTERRA Wholesale Account (dōTERRA oils + products at 25% off!)Ice Blue Rub®, Correct X®, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Easy Air®, Vapour Stick, Petal Diffuser, Wooden Box, On Guard® Cleansing Toothpaste, On Guard® Foaming Hand Wash (with 2 dispensers), On Guard® Beadlets, 15mL bottles (unless otherwise stated) of: DigestZen®, Purify®, Tea Tree, Oregano, AromaTouch®, Frankincense, Lavender Peace®, Easy Air®, Citrus Bliss®, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Smart & Sassy®, Lemongrass, On Guard®, PastTense®(10mL), Clary Calm® (10mL), Ice Blue® (5mL)

Emotional Wellness Starter Kit

$226 AUD

  • Your doTERRA wholesale Account (dōTERRA oils + products at 25% off
  • doTERRA Balance® Grounding Blend 15 mL
  • Citrus Bliss® Invigorating Blend 15 mL
  • Lavender Peace™ Restful Blend 15 mL
  • Elevation™ Joyful Blend 15 mL
  • doTERRA Adaptiv™ Tranquil Blend 15 mL
  • Introductory Packet & Enrolment


Australia Enrolment Kits

NZ Enrolment Kits

US Enrolment Kits

Europe Enrolment Kits

I’m Ready to transform my life and welcome essential oils into my families and my life.

Get started

Step 1: head to:

Step 2: Click ‘Join and Save’

Step 3: Select your Language & Country of Residence

Step 4: Select where your shipping from

Step 5: Choose Wellness Advocate

Step 5: Select the starter kit you would like to start with (one waive the joining fee!) Or customise your order by adding individual items and pay the $35 joining fee

Step 6: Complete personal information. At Enroller id, make sure my number 4217728 is displayed then click verify to see my name Tegan Skinner. Finish setting up your account with log in details.

Step 7: At Enroller id, make sure my number 4217728 is displayed then click verify to see my name Tegan Skinner. Finish setting up your account with log creating a password for you to login to your own account.

Step 8: To join our optional POINTS program, set up your next month’s LRP order and pick which date you want it to ship

Step 9: Process your order!

Once you have purchased your oils you will receive personal communication from me with an introduction to your oils and some amazing resources to get your started. From there we can set up a one-on-one Skype or coffee date to dig deeper into your needs, your wellness concerns, and making sure you feel confident and inspired to use your oils every day.

If at any time you decide you are interested in building your own abundant doTERRA business, I will be here to guide you, support you and work in collaboration with you to create the life of your dreams.

The best part of joining here is that my support and mentorship will be available to you every step of the way, whether it’s helping you to get the most out of your oils as a loved up customer, or building your soulful wellness empire.

If you want to chat more about ordering, please contact me here.